Safety Bay Roof Restoration Specialists

We restore roofs of all types in Safety Bay. Call Rockingham Roof Restoration today!

The Best Roof Restoration Contractor In Safety Bay 6169

We guarantee that you’ll love the results of Rockingham Roof Restoration!

Three People Working On A Roof Restoration Project

We are expert Safety Bay roof restorers

[We are an expert roof restoration company servicing customers all over Safety Bay. We are a one-stop shop for all things roof restoration. From broken roof tiles to rusty metal sheets, or severely damaged roofs, we can tackle it all. We work with all types of roofs – metal, tiled, colorbond, terracotta and more.

We are a one-stop-solution roofing company and our services include all facets of roof restorations in Safety Bay:

Roof Repair

Roof Painting and Sealing

Re-Roofing (brand new roof)

Roof Ventilation Systems

Roof Re-pointing

Gutter Repair and Replacement

If your roof is damaged or is looking unappealing, contact us! We can discuss a customised solution for your property that may not involve a brand-new roof. You’d be amazed at how a restored roof looks very much like a brand new one  – at a much cheaper price! 

Rockingham Roof Restoration can provide thorough inspection of the current status of your roof and suggest the most cost-effective solution for you.

Roof Workers Fixing And Replacing Roof Tiles
Roofing Worker Installing A Metal Roof

About Our Roof Restoration Company

With over 10 years of experience in the roofing sector, Rockingham Roof Restoration is proud of outstanding results and many satisfied customers. Our extensive experience includes all sorts of roofing materials: tiled, metal, colorbond, terracotta and more.

We are a local Safety Bay family-owned small business. We have up-to-date equipment and strictly follow industry best practice and safety standards. We are fully insured and have up-to-date certifications. Our staff is fully trained and have qualifications in different types of roofing trades, including:

  • roof plumbers
  • roof carpenters
  • roof tilers
  • roof painters
  • roof installers

We have the best roof restoration team in Safety Bay!

Safety Bay Roof Repair & Restoration – Our Approach

  1. We undertake a full roof inspection
  2. Feedback explaining the best and most cost-effective solution for your house
  3. We’ll discuss an estimate of restoration pricing and timeframes with you
  4. Upon acceptance of our quotation, we will arrange a suitable date and time to perform the restoration service.
  5. Clean up – we won’t leave a mess behind!

We Restore Roofs in Safety Bay 6169

… and surrounding areas, including:

Our Other Safety Bay Roofing Services:

Roof repairs

Roof Repair Icon

Roof painting & sealing

Roof Painting And Sealing Icon


Re Roofing Icon

Roof ventilation systems

Roof Ventilation Icon

Roof repointing

Roof Re Pointing Icon

Gutter repairs

Roof Gutters Icon

Frequently Asked Questions About Roof Restorations

What type of roof do you restore?

We can restore it all! The most common types of roofing found in Safety Bay are tiled roofs, metal, colorbond and terracotta, however, we have restored innovative roof materials such as rubber or very old material such as shingles. It’s extremely rare that we’ll find a roof that we can’t tackle. If that happens, there are good chances we can recommend other roofing professionals.

Is roof restoration just for traditional roofs?

No! Although the term restoration is often associated with historical buildings, antiques and ancient objects; roof restoration applies to modern and sometimes fairly new roofs. Simply put, roof restoration is about repairing, re-coating, re-pointing and, more generally, performing jobs that will bring a broken roof to a point where it’s like a brand new one.

Is it better to restore a roof than re-roof?

A newlybuilt roof is more expensive. In that sense, roof restoration delivers a cost-effective outcome compared to re-roofing. However, when a roof is too damaged and/or is deemed structurally unsound, re-roofing is often the best and only solution. Rockingham Roof Restoration usually recommends re-roofing as a ‘last-resort’ option.

Do you do storm damage roof inspection and repairs?

Yes, we sure do! Storms are easily one of your roof’s most feared enemies! Rockingham Roof Restoration can assess your roof and look for any possible damage that may not be visible. We can also restore, repair and wash your roof post-storm.

Do you replace roofs that contain asbestos?

Yes, we certainly do! Under these circumstances, the first step is to get all asbestos materials safely removed before we lay and fix a new roof.